Trees Around McCarren Park, Brooklyn, NY
What is the spatial distribution of trees around McCarren Park, Brooklyn? Do street trees increase in density with distance from the park?
Are street trees more concentrated where residential land uses are greatest?
Through examining the surroundings of McCarren Park, this project aimed to evaluate 2007’s Million Trees Initiative in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. After conducting the Network Distance analysis and the Straight-line Distance analysis, I ended up with very similar results from both models that showed that there is minimal correlation between distance and tree density in relation to walking distance from MacCarren Park along Brooklyn’s streets.
From these two types of analyses, we are unable to conclude whether or not tree density decreases as we walk farther away from McCarren Park. If we were to expand our study area beyond half a mile and/or consider the other parks in the area, we might be able to produce more defining results.
Methods: Proportional split analysis, network distance modeling, straight-line distance modeling, spatial statistics, Average Nearest Neighbor test, Getis-Ord Gi* statistic test, network service area analysis
Applications: ArcMap & Illustrator