Graphics & Illustrations
Graphics & Illustrations 〰️
2024 Corporate Philanthropy Institute: Threading the Needle
Logo (Light Theme)
Logo (Dark Theme)
Speaker & Session Announcement
2024 Annual Conference: Imagine & Act
Speaker Announcement
Thank You Sponsors Graphic
Cafe Lola’s
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
2023 Corporate Philanthropy Institute: Building New Standards
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
We Continue with Love: Looking Back on a Year of Organizing Philanthropy for Queer and Trans Liberation
Recap Report | Funders for LGBTQ Issues
This report illustrated Funders for LGBTQ Issue’s 2022 work to enhance the well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer communities, promoting equity, and advancing racial, economic and gender justice. This 14-page recap was made to print and distributed at events.
Support a More Inclusive Future
Fundraising campaign material & calendar cover | South Asian American Digital Archive (SAADA)
SAADA seeks to document, preserve, and share South Asian American experiences. For this annual fundraising campaign “Support a More Inclusive Future,” I illustrated the digital materials that were adapted for different webpages, social media, and the 2020 calendar cover.
Discover Community Café
Logo | Discover Community Café
Discover Community Café is a new social enterprise based in Oakland that partners with women facing barriers to employment through an apprenticeship program. Their work aims to empower the apprentices through skill-building, sustainable wages, and professional growth opportunities. I worked with the founder to create a logo that represents the comfort and nourishment of being in community with people and nature.
The Hidden Histories of South Asian Chicago
Event promotion material | South Asian American Digital Archive (SAADA)
“The Hidden Histories of South Asian Chicago” was a gala event celebrating 140 years of South Asian American history in Chicago. For the marketing campaign, the digital materials created were adapted for different webpages and social media.
Bay Area Philanthropy Holiday Party
Event promotion material & event signage
This graphic was for the annual Bay Area Philanthropy Holiday Party, which gathers hundreds of philanthropy practitioners and affinity groups together to celebrate the closing of the year. The digital materials created were adapted and used for social media, email banners, and printed signage.
Imagine the Future
Fundraising campaign material | South Asian American Digital Archive (SAADA)
For this annual fundraising campaign “Imagine the Future,” I illustrated the digital materials that were adapted for different webpages and social media.
Shift Happens
Web-based report | Northern California Grantmakers
Fun report. Not like those other reports.
WIthout any in-person events in 2020, Northern California Grantmakers needed different visual anchors to highlight its 2020 accomplishments in its web-based “Annual (Not) Report.” “Shift Happens” was developed in response to the sudden collective jolt into the virtual working environment and reliance on our digital tools. It’s also a play on the phrase “sh*t happens.” Here, I developed the concept and animated keyboard buttons for NCG’s 2020 milestones that accompanied the report’s text.
Community Jar
Community Jar, a digital organizing community, promoted a social justice slate for the 2020 election and focused on Californian propositions. I created social media posts with different themes for each prop and presented information (pros, cons, supporters, opposition, funders, history) in carousel format.
CA Proposition 17
CA Proposition 18
CA Proposition 21
Reviving the California Dream
Presentation deck | Better California
Better California is an initiative to organize California’s philanthropic community towards a more just and equitable future. I created this slide deck used in the initiative’s early stages. It was presented to leaders of California’s biggest foundations such as The California Endowment, The San Francisco Foundation, Women’s Foundation of California, and others. Applications used: InDesign, Photoshop, Powerpoint
Full Cost Project
Infographics | Philanthropy CA
The Full Cost Project seeks to shift funder behaviors and beliefs toward their grantees for longterm nonprofit sustainability. The program director assigned me three different survey results and I was tasked to visualize them. The infographics were based off a post-workshop survey and used for social media and included in newsletters. Applications used: Illustrator
Status of Silicon Valley Nonprofit Spaces & Facilities
Report | Nonprofit Displacement Project
These pages were pulled from a report from the Nonprofit Displacement Project and based off a survey conducted by Harder+Co. I extracted the research’s biggest data points, designed the layout the report, and generated visual representations that reflect gentrification’s rippling effects on Bay Area nonprofits and the communities they serve. Applications used: Illustrator, InDesign, Excel